Places directory

This refined list focuses on the regions and countries that make up the series. Here is an excerpt from The Seven Stones

Centuries ago, before the barren desert of the Kalyn was divided into six equal parts, before it was even dubbed the Kalyn Desert, it laid open to the Kylan Ocean as a single kingdom. King Enrion the Great had seven sons, each destined to become heir to the throne when their father passed on. On King Enrion’s dying day, he wished for his sons to share the kingdom and divide it equally amongst themselves. He gifted them with the Seven Stones, one for each son. He said these were Immortal gifts to guide them after his passing.


In a meeting after King Enrion’s death, the seven sons, who were now the seven kings, split the continent into seven pieces. The difficulty came in deciding who would rule which piece…

Countries of Kalyn


A nation that balances tradition with technological advancements, where the remnants of old family feuds and money overshadow the needs of its civilian population, leaving them primarily as an after thought. Lamora is characterized by its strong military presence and a society that values honor and prowess in battle.

The landscape includes bustling cities like Outer and Inner City, destitute towns, and the Broken Sands, a grand canyon stretching across most of its western region. The desert and Lamora are often referred to interchangeably by the locals here and Avran-kin alike. It is home to the most ancient of libraries, hinting at a long and storied history, and the Fortress, a solid marble palace housing it’s government and noble population.

Its government structure is comprised primarily of three components: the Empire, the Senate, and the Military.

Quick Fact: These members of the Cast call Lamora home.


Uvar is militaristic and authoritarian, with a government that prioritizes control and genetic purity, especially of its higher status civilians.

Uvar hugs the coastline of the ocean in the North, a place that resides in the rain shadow of the mountains causing mild temperatures and near-constant rain. The culture here is more rigid, with citizens who are tailored from birth to fit a job. This job is a Uvarian’s primary purpose and often these jobs are integral to Uvarian culture and the well oiled machine that is their Monarchy.

Uvar’s political ambitions seem to be expansive, often leading to clashes with neighboring nations like Lamora and Avran.

Quick Fact: These members of the Cast call Uvar home.


Avran is another significant player in the world of Kalyn, though perhaps not as central to the conflict as Lamora and Uvar. It serves as Lamora’s long-time ally and was the stage that hosted the largest war of the century: The War of Avran, where Uvar and Lamora fought for control over Avran’s lush and fertile provinces.

Avran is characterized by a diverse geography, ranging from coastal areas to dense forests to expansive ice lands, which influences its economic activities and cultural practices.

Its political structure is more decentralized, with various factions and clans holding power over specific regions, leading to a complex internal political landscape. Overall, it’s wide-spread military force is commanded by a Monarchy and Elected Council.

Quick Fact: These members of the Cast call Avran home.

Territories of Kalyn


Eaglefoot is a unique and rugged territory situated on the southwest edge of Kalyn, characterized by its challenging landscape and deep respect for nature. The region is defined by the fading remnants of the Whitecap Mountains, creating a landscape that is as tough as stone, with treacherous terrain that is difficult to traverse and even harder to cultivate. This rocky “shield” is called the Barrier, and is home to Eaglefoot’s nomadic tribes that share territory with similar tribes found in the jungles of Avran’s most southern provinces.

The Red Sands

The Red Sands is vast and arid, stretching across Kalyn and acting as a buffer between Uvar and Lamora. It’s the largest hot desert in the world, characterized by its sandy dunes, rocky plateaus, and minimal vegetation. Temperatures can soar during the day and plummet at night. The landscape is punctuated occasionally by oases, which provide sparse patches of greenery. Sandstorms are frequent, reshaping the terrain and challenging the survival of both flora and fauna. Despite its harsh conditions, the Sahara is not entirely lifeless; it supports a variety of life forms adapted to its extreme environment.

The Red Sands is regarded by researches of all backgrounds as being ripe with treasure and history like that of the ancient ghost city of Aesith.



Was it a country or a city? Archaeologist and researchers have pondered this question for centuries. Tomes and texts found in the Library of Lamora suggest it was a country, but the only physical evidence are its abandoned urban structures pining down the the edge of the Red Sands and Uvar. The other question begging to be asked is: what happened to it?

Qui Darnae

The mysterious land on the western side of the Whitecap Mountain Range. No one has traveled to it and returned, so the question of whether it exists or not continues to be asked…